It is a forum where you can learn new technologies and techniques in healthcare, learn the best practices from best hospitals, learn how to ensure better quality engineering systems and enhance the performance of existing systems. The ultimate aim is to help Engineers to attain higher patient safety in their domain.

Who can join Healthcare Engineers Forum

Eligibility Criteria 

Core Committee
  • ravindran

    Mr. Vinod Kumar K B


    Head MEP Consultant, V B G Consulting Engineer, Consultant FMS, Rajagiri Hospital
  • ravindran

    Mr Arul Prakash

    Co - Chairperson

    Associate Superintendent Engineer, CMC, Vellore
  • Ms. Keerthi Dsouza


    Managing Director, Life Giver Professional Services LLP

  • Dr. Karan Thakur


    Group Lead - Sustainability & ESG, Vice President - Public Affairs, Apollo Hospitals Group

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